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By definition a "booster" is an enthusiastic supporter, an auxiliary device for increasing force, power, pressure, or effectiveness and the first stage of a multistage rocket providing thrust for the launching and initial part of a flight...

The CB Booster Club collectively embodies the spirit to support and celebrate the Senior Class of 2025 as they navigate from application process to their collegiate journey.

CB Boosters unwaveringly believe in our students and their futures. Together, we will rally behind our seniors throughout this pivotal year - volunteering time, offering connections, and providing financial support

Each year CB prepares 30+ high school Seniors to launch.
The CB Booster Club will support such benefits such as:

- 1:1 Coaching
- College Prep Events & Workshops
- ACT Test Prep
- College Tours
- Emergency Student Funding
- Student Awards & Recognition


CB Booster Club has the exclusive opportunity to engage more directly with our students and mission. As a CB Boosters, you will be invited in for gatherings and volunteer opportunities throughout the 2024-25 year to support the Senior class!

Contact Kaleigh Lawrence, Chief Philanthropy Officer at I 810. 955. 9655

Frequently asked questions


To join the INAUGURAL College Bound Booster Club, we ask that you to make a gift of ANY SIZE that feels meaningful to YOU! Donations will go to our general operating budget. We hope that current CB supporters will consider their Booster Club contribution as an additional gift to our students.

🎓 I'm ready to launch!

Choose an amount to donate One-time
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College Bound is a program of A Million Stars, Inc., a 501(c)3 corporation and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. Our EIN is 20-4768985